How to make time for creativity

Earlier this year I was interviewed by relationships expert, Cheryl Muir. Cheryl talked to me about creativity as a way and means of having a healthy relationship with yourself - something I can talk about till the cows come home.

To quote from Cheryl’s Youtube page:

“In this interview with the brilliant Meredith Lewis, you'll learn:

1️⃣ How creativity helps you get to know yourself better

2️⃣ The surprising ways you're already being creative without knowing it

3️⃣ Recognising the stories you're telling yourself that hold you back from expression ("OH it's just for artsy people, I'm not from a family like that)

4️⃣ How to create the time and energy for the creative things you long and crave to do, whether it's writing, cooking or making TikToks

We're super lucky to have Meredith, she has 25 years experience in the arts, and she's a wealth of knowledge.”

Cheryl’s a lovely person to talk to with a great instinct for asking the right questions to help a conversation unfold. You can find out more about her work here.


Beyond PowerPoint


What are creativity skills?